Daryl Procunier, Managing Broker
Daryl spent most of his childhood growing up in the Charlotte area and has lived in Charlotte his whole adult life. Not long after graduating high school, Daryl acquired a small, 36-location vending machine route with locations throughout Union County and Charlotte. After learning the basics, Daryl decided to leave that business and enter real estate. In 2010, he moved up the street to Charlotte and joined a property management team over seeing large real estate portfolios for private real estate investors. It was this experience that led Daryl to start his own firm, CharMeck Properties LLC, in 2014. Since its formation, CharMeck Properties has gained clients from all walks of life including clients in the political and entertainment arenas, the business community, and professional athletics. Daryl's approach to property management and the processes he has imprinted into CharMeck Properties have led to a well-respected reputation in and around the Charlotte-Metro area.
Daryl is a graduate of Central Piedmont Community College and has been in the real estate business for over 13 years. He's a current student with Bold Music Lessons in Charlotte and is a beginner saxophone player. Daryl has traveled to Nicaragua, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Canada. He is currently 50% of the way bilingual in Spanish and plans to learn Mandarin Chinese next. In his spare time, Daryl enjoys watching podcasts, learning about new things, and working out when time permits.